
How To Delete Your Instagram Followers

Every account attracts a degree of ghost followers (bot or inactive accounts), but if you want to submit to brands on TRIBE, you'll need to remove them.

TRIBE's AVS (Audience Vital Signs) scan, not only places a block on new accounts that don't live up to the highest standard, but scans every existing account four times a day to detect any that have been compromised.

My account has been flagged, what does this mean?

If you see the below pop up, our AVS scan has detected ghost followers on
your account. Once a flag has been raised, your account is automatically suspended.


What is a ghost follower?

what is a ghost follower

How do I cleanse my account Of ghostfollowers?

We've searched long and hard for a program that not only identifies ghost followers, but can remove them in bulk without fear of blocking those real followers who don't post regularly.

Sadly we're yet to find a safer process than simply manually browsing your followers one by one and blocking any that appear suspicious.

If you think this process requires patience, you're right. However, we've seen influencers who have cleansed their account successfully rejoin TRIBE and have even more success as a result of their improved engagement.

I found a site to help me

We'd recommend you use third party sites that give you an online "inactive follower percentage" as a guide only, and work through your audience to check each account for accuracy.

For larger accounts, it's worth splitting up the followers into smaller groups. This may help you accurately 'pick up where you left off'.

Also worth implementing what we call 'the alphabet strategy' and utilise the handy search bar in your 'followers' to go through every follower from A to Z.

Why cleanse my account?

Not only will you be able to make money on TRIBE again, but manually vetting any inactive followers will boost your engagement which we display to Brands on each of your submissions.

You'll not only have more success on TRIBE, but the more people your content is reaching, the more opportunity there is for your follower base to grow organically.

Is automated engagement okay?

To put simply, no! Purchasing fake comments and likes on posts will inflate your engagement short term, and have the opposite effect on your organic traction.

This makes you less valuable to brands, who now have the tools to identify this behaviour as well.

Using automated engagement tools is also a no no, mostly because we find it really annoying and so will your audience. It's also easy to identify, especially since bots aren't that smart.

Automated Engagement Example

If you find yourself annoyed by this type of engagement, block the page and report them for spam.

When can I re-apply for TRIBE?

We would love you to apply to rejoin TRIBE once you've sufficiently cleansed your account, but we recommend waiting at least 30 days to properly review your followers. Simply contact to re-apply to TRIBE.

It may take our Risk & Compliance team up to two weeks to review your account, but rest assured we want you back in as soon as possible.

Now, fight the good fight.

Once you've given your account the spring clean it deserves, keep monitoring it as new followers join your community.

A healthy tribe is an engaged tribe!

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How To Delete Your Instagram Followers


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