
Are Cameras Allowed In Delivery Rooms

A growing number of hospitals are restricting cameras and video recorders in the commitment room, citing legal issues and patient prophylactic. Do you think cameras should be immune in delivery rooms?

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Expecting parents packing for the hospital may find that hospitals are requiring them to keep their cameras and video recorders packed up until after the infant is born. A growing number of hospitals, including NYU, Massachusetts Full general Hospital in Boston and Georgetown Academy Hospital in Washington, are restricting photography and videography during births.

"When we had people videotaping, information technology got to be a bit of a media circus," Dr. Erin E. Tracy of Massachusetts General Hospital told the New York Times. "I want to be 100 percent focused on the medical care, and in this litigious atmosphere, where ads are on TV every xxx seconds about suing, information technology makes physicians gun shy."

Should it be the patient's right to record the birth of their baby if they so cull, or does it distract the doctor from focusing on medical intendance?

"I'm so happy I recorded the childbirth!"

For many parents, videotaping the childbirth allows the mom to capture moments she may have missed.

"It was important for me to have a video of me giving nascence because information technology is so emotional and in the moment I was thinking nigh delivering a healthy babe, not about the experience. Without the video I would not call up the delivery," says mom of three Marnee Medress. "Once Brody was born, the first thing [my husband] Jamie said was, 'He looks just similar me'. I would never have remembered that. I enjoy being able to go back and re-live the experience without fearfulness and pain. It is an amazing procedure."

Christa Connerat admits that even though she felt a fiddling queasy watching her C-department, she was glad she had it. "I think that's crazy that hospitals would disallow video cameras and pictures! Our doctors were okay with any and all filming," says Connerat, who delivered in Louisiana. "Nothing can compare to that moment when they finally arrive in the world!"

"I made my swain take pictures of my C-Section being performed," says mom Misty Simon."I am so glad I did!"

Megan Robinson delivered at NYU, and she said they were not immune to have videos or cameras in the commitment room. She chose not to have her childbirth recorded, simply feels like the option should be upward to the parents. "I didn't want a video, then information technology didn't bother me at the time, only information technology would exist nice to have the option if yous wanted information technology."

Pictures after the birth were fine

For many other parents, they felt like taking pictures after the nascency captured the moment — and spared them too many details. Jamie McGovern had her childbirth filmed, just afterwards felt it was a tad too graphic. "I was glad to have united states of america captured on film seeing him and holding him for the offset time, but I could have passed on the play-past-play!" she said.

Leslie Frey said she wanted photos of her newborn baby, but videotaping the birth was never a consideration. "I didn't care to videotape, it was never in the plans whether they immune it or not. My concern was to get photos in the hospital of the infant; I didn't care to have myself in any video in that state."

"I do non know the rules on videoing as my hubby was under strict orders to not even consider videoing the bodily birth!" said Amanda Hanrahan. "Not for me."

Since the dads are often the ones playing filmmaker, their feelings on recording the event as well come into play. "I had my iPhone and regular camera gear up to go but I waited until later the infant was born considering they had a sail separating the lower half of her body," says Steve Cameron. "I chose to stay upwardly acme with her!"

"I recall the only real reason to video an unabridged birth would be for documentary purposes," says Marker DeMate. "However, I feel most hospitals don't desire them videoed for liability reasons. It really is a graphic event and not really for the domicile motion picture shelf."

Patient rights versus hospital rights

What practice you think? Practice you think it is the hospital's right to dictate whether childbirth is recorded — or do you think it goes against our rights as patients?

More on childbirth and labor

  • Tips for photographing and recording the nativity of your child
  • Delivery room glamour: First photo beauty tips
  • Signs labor will exist starting soon

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