Lighting the U.S. Flag with Proper LED Flagpole Lighting

LED directional floodlight for U.S. flag

American flags dot residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors across the land, and eastward-conolight offers a variety of LED floodlights and spotlights to prove off Old Glory no matter if it's solar day or night.

Lighting the U.Due south. flag is one of the nigh common uses for floodlights, but there are guidelines. The U.S. Flag Code outlines, for example, the rules for the Pledge of Allegiance, how to show respect for the flag, and the display and use of the flag by civilians. The code went into effect in 1923, but was amended in 1942 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt to include rules for citizens exterior of the military and government.

According to the code, the flag should actually merely be flown between sunrise and sunset on stationary flagstaffs or poles. If the flag is displayed 24 hours a day, it must be lit at all times no matter the direction of the wind.

Benefits of LED Directional Floodlights & LED Spotlights

Advisable outdoor fixtures for lighting the American flag after dark
Provide the bright light required by the flag code
Half the power consumption of most PSMH and HID floodlights for greater free energy cost savings

Choosing Between LED Directional Floodlights & LED Spotlights

There are several important factors that become into lighting a flag, including surrounding ambience lite, flagpole height and axle spread.

Ambient light is the general overall low-cal level in any given surface area. In a well-lit metropolis or neighborhood (loftier ambient lite), a loftier-output LED Floodlight should be used to counter brighter surroundings. However, in a country or rural setting, with less ambient light, a lower-output LED Floodlight will be equally effective.

Just as ambience light is related to lite output, in that location is a similar correlation between flagpole meridian, beam spread and lite output. Check out our basic guidelines below:

  • 15ʹ poles require a spot beam spread (twenty˚) and approximately 1600 lumens
  • 20ʹ poles crave a spot beam spread (35˚-60˚) and 7200-7700 lumens
  • 25ʹ poles require a spot beam spread (35˚-threescore˚) and 10,800-27,400 lumens

Additional Considerations when Choosing LED Flagpole Lighting

  • LED lighting provides better color quality, for brighter, truer colors
  • In almost residential applications, a unmarried LED Floodlight volition exist sufficient
  • Flagpole height should be approximately 3 to 4 times the length of the flag
  • Fixtures should be installed approximately 2ʹ to 5ʹ from the base of the flagpole


How many lumens do I demand for a flagpole?

  • 15' poles – approximately 1600 lumens
  • 20' poles – 7200 - 7700 lumens
  • 25' poles – ten,800 – 27,400 lumens

How much calorie-free does a flagpole need at nighttime?

  • You'll demand two or 3 fixtures to properly light your flag, mainly to make sure the shadow of the pole doesn't obscure the flag. One fixture must exist as close to the basis as possible, in social club to illuminate the flag and the pole. Apply just one fixture to low-cal upwards the pole, as it requires much less light than the flag.

  • Light output should be at least 300 lumens. Employ the narrowest beam possible to focus as much calorie-free as y'all can on the flag. Keep in listen, the flag is allowed to wave in any direction, and so make certain the beam is also broad enough to account for sudden current of air shifts in any direction. Example: if you have a v-foot-broad flag, make sure the light spread covers a five foot radius from the pole. If y'all're using two fixtures to exercise this, make sure the beams overlap.

What is proper illumination protocol for the U.s. flag?

  • Co-ordinate to the U.s.a. flag lawmaking outlines, the flag should only be flown betwixt sunrise and sunset, on buildings and on flag staffs. The pole must be stationary. If you want to display your flag 24 hours a day, information technology must be lit at all times and properly illuminated during hours of darkness.

How exercise you install a flagpole light?

  • 1 – Install the ability.
  • 2 – Coffin the cable past digging roughly 4 inches below the ground.
  • 3 – Connect the conduit where the light will be installed.
  • 4 – Adjust the angle of the light and then it's illuminating your flag. Make sure information technology's not aimed in such a style where it will carp your neighbors.
  • 5 – Plug in the cable and test the calorie-free.
  • 6 – Fill the pigsty, for prophylactic purposes.

For the best LED Floodlights & Spotlights to light your flagpole:

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Article Written past Jason S.

Jason is a Product Marketing Manage. His goal is to become reliable and condom products into the hands of customers—all at an affordable cost. His client-focused initiatives bring high-quality products to market that exceed consumer expectations while fulfilling the purpose they were designed to achieve.