How To Say Tell In Spanish
Like in any other language, at that place are different ways to say no in Spanish. And you should larn them considering these variations can take your vocabulary to the next level. If yous've e'er wondered how to say no in Spanish in different situations, y'all need to bank check out this article.
Below, you'll observe common words and expressions, examples, and curt explanations of how to use them. By the stop of this, y'all'll know how to say 'no' in Spanish more naturally.

one. No – No
Like in English, in Castilian, no is the standard word we use to deny something. To sound more natural, work on your pronunciation of the Spanish letter 'o'.
No, gracias, yo estoy bien.
No, thank you, I'm okay.
No, yo no soy Adriana.
No, I'm not Adriana.
2. Nel – Nope / Nah
Nel is a popular Mexican slang word used to say 'no' in Spanish. Since it'southward an informal term, information technology'southward close in significant to 'nope' and 'nah'.
Nel, mañana no puedo.
No, I can't make it tomorrow.
Spanish | English |
Güey, ¿has visto mi celular? | Dude, have you seen my phone? |
Nel. ¿Ya checaste tu mochila? | Nope. Did you check your backpack? |
3. Nones – No / No mode
Nones is an breezy word that means 'no' or 'no style' in Castilian. If y'all desire to be derisive, you can use its variation 'nones, para los preguntones'.
Le pregunté si iba a venir y dijo que nones.
I asked her if she would come, and she said no.
Castilian | English |
¿Me prestas esta blusa? | Tin can I borrow this blouse? |
¡Nones! | No mode! |
4. Nanay – No
Nanay is another informal word to say 'no manner' or 'no' in Spanish. Since it's more than casual, this word sounds more friendly than a blunt no.
Spanish | English |
¿Vas a venir mañana? | Are you coming tomorrow? |
Nanay. Mañana es mi día libre. | No. Tomorrow is my day off. |
5. De Ninguna Manera – No Fashion
De ninguna manera is a polite and firm way to say 'no' in Spanish. As a result, you tin can use it in both formal and informal situations. Depending on the context, de ninguna manera ways 'no way' or 'absolutely not'.
Spanish | English |
Pá, ¿me dejas ir a una fiesta? | Dad, can I become to a party? |
¡De ninguna manera! Estás castigado. | Absolutely non! You're grounded. |
Tip: 'De ningún modo' is a common variation of 'de ninguna manera'.
6. Ni Hablar – Non in Your Life / Forget information technology
In Spanish, the expression ni hablar is used to firmly reject or say 'no'. Information technology'south close in meaning to 'not in your life', 'forget it', or 'no way'.
Castilian | English |
Mamá, ¿puedo llevarme el carro? | Mom, can I take the car? |
¡Ni hablar! Nunca llegas a tiempo. | Not in your life! You're never on time. |
7. Qué Va – Non at All
In Castilian (Spain) Castilian, qué va is a colloquial expression used to deny something. In some contexts, 'qué va' tin exist used to deny something ironically. It tin can be translated as 'no way', 'heck no' or 'not at all'.
Spanish | English |
¿Lo pasaste bien este fin de semana? | Did you relish your weekend? |
¡Qué va! Tuve que trabajar. | Not at all. I had to work. |
8. Ni de Broma – No Way
Ni de broma is a firm and vernacular expression. Utilise information technology when you want to imply at that place's no room to negotiate. Ni de broma, and its variations, can be translated as 'no way', 'not in your life' or 'do non even joke about it'.
Some variations of this expression include:
- Ni de chiste
- Ni lo sueñes
- Ni se te ocurra
- Ni a tiros
Sally dijo que ni de broma te va a ayudar.
Sally said that there'south no way she'south going to help you.
nine. En Absoluto – Non in the Slightest
If you're wondering how to say 'no' in Spanish formally, you should use the phrase en absoluto. On top of beingness formal, this expression will also aid you sound more firm and determined. En absoluto tin can exist translated equally 'not at all' or 'not in the slightest'.
Spanish | English language |
¿Ha tenido algún inconveniente con los vecinos? | Accept y'all had whatever inconvenience with your neighbors? |
En absoluto. Todos son muy agradables. | Non in the slightest. They are all very nice. |
Take Annotation: Spanish definite manufactures can also exist used to express possession and your human relationship with someone.

x. Jamás – Never
Although information technology's usually combined with other Spanish negative words, jamás can also exist used alone as a resounding 'no'.
Spanish | English language |
¿Te gustaría aprender a tocar la guitarra? | Would yous like to learn how to play guitar? |
Jamás. No me gusta la música. | Never. I don't similar music. |
11. Va a Ser Que No – I Don't Think So
Va a ser que no is a coincidental expression used in Castilian Spanish to say 'no' defiantly. This phrase is close in significant to "I don't think so", "that's not going to happen" or "in your dreams".
Pues, va a ser que no. Ya tengo planes.
Well, I don't recollect and so. I already accept plans.
12. Antes Muerto – I'd Rather Exist Expressionless
Antes muerto is a potent and decisive phrase you tin can employ when denying or refusing to do something. Due to its intensity, this expression can come off equally rude.
Spanish | English |
¿Quieres ir el partido conmigo? | Do you desire to get to the game with me? |
Antes muerto. El fútbol me aburre. | I'd rather be expressionless. I discover soccer boring. |
Tip: Muerto is a by participle adjective. As a consequence, it must agree in gender and number with the person using the expression.
13. Ahorita No – Not Now
Ahorita no is a casual and polite phrase to reject to do something. As a result, it's a mutual expression you tin can use to say 'no' in Castilian. Information technology's shut in significant to 'non at present', 'no' or 'non right now'.
Ahorita no, gracias. Sólo estamos viendo.
Not now, thank you. We're but looking around.
14. Paso – Count Me Out
When with friends, paso is a mutual word yous can use to say that y'all do non desire to accept part in something. 'Paso' ways "count me out" or "I'll pass".
Yo paso, chavos. Estoy muy cansado.
Count me out, guys. Estoy muy cansado.
15. Nada de Eso – Non at All
Cypher de eso is a carefree mode to say 'no' in Spanish. This expression is more commonly used to deny something, and it'southward close in meaning to 'not at all' or 'no manner'.
Spanish | English |
Déjame ayudarte a limpiar. | Permit me aid you lot make clean up. |
Nada de eso. Por favor, siéntate. | Not at all. Please, sit down. |
16. Ni Maíz, Palomas – No way
'Ni maíz' or 'ni maíz, palomas' is a Mexican slang expression used to say 'no' or 'no way' in a friendly and funny fashion.
Ni maíz, siempre pierdes mis cosas.
No style, you always lose my stuff.
Ni madres and ni de coña are vulgar variations y'all can use in this context. Just keep in heed that 'ni de coña' is only used in Castilian Spanish.
17. Sobre mi Cadáver – Over My Expressionless Body
Sobre mi cadáver is a decisive (and a scrap dramatic) way to say 'no' in Spanish when refusing to practice something.
Spanish | English |
¿Invitamos a Karen a la fiesta? | Should we invite Karen to the party? |
¡Sobre mi cadáver! Es muy desagradable. | Over my dead body! She's nasty. |
eighteen. De Eso Nada, Monada – No Way, José
De eso cipher, monada is the equivalent of 'no manner, José'. As a effect, this is a gentle way to say 'no' in Castilian.
Castilian | English language |
¡Ándale, préstame dinero! | Come on. Lend me some money. |
De eso nada, monada. Nunca me pagas. | No style, José. You never pay me back. |
Wrapping Up
At present that yous know the most common expressions native speakers apply to say 'no' in Spanish, it's time for y'all to kickoff incorporating these words and phrases into your conversations. ¡Buena suerte!
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